Year 3 week 52

24th – 31st December 2018

One thing that I wanted to do when I started this journey 3 years ago was to be able to do more things with my kids.

Skiing was one of those things. I have been going skiing every year since I was 21. I have always enjoyed it and it’s definitely a great thing to do with the whole family.

Since I started this journey I haven’t been skiing once. The last time I skied must have been about 3 or 4 years ago but then I struggled. I struggled to ski partly because it took a lot out of me being so overweight and unfit and partly because my eyesight was getting worse.

I was what you would call a fair weather skier. If the sun was shining I did ok but if the snow was falling and overcast I would struggle a lot and it made things so much harder.

I also hated having to put on my boots and carry my skis to the slopes.

I remember I would run out of energy very quickly – it got to the point that it was all far too much of an effort.

I have now come on my first skiing holiday for 3 years and I half expected for everything to be the same as before.

I have been actually pleasantly surprised. I even tested my energy levels by going down runs that I have always hated and now I seem to go down them with ease.

The only real issue I have is that after the weight loss my boots are too lose and are causing problems. So much so that I did the most spectacular wipe out – I fell to the ground with some force with my skis and poles flying everywhere. Fortunately I didn’t hurt myself.

The best thing though is that I get to ski with Matt and my kids. Jake, my youngest, is taking great pleasure every time he overtakes – giggling as he passes.

It has only taken me 3 years but at least I accomplished another goal this week and right before the end of the year!

Have a great New Year. I hope 2019 is a good one.

Year 3 week 51

17th – 24th December 2018

Over the past few months I have been doing something really different with my art. It has been fun but also very challenging at times.

I was asked to be apart of a children’s choir, not to sing because no one would want hear that but to help with props and artistically.

My art to me has always been my way of communicating my emotions. I use it to translate my thoughts, the word at church, the bible and now I thought I might try to translate my art through song.

So I decided to try animation. This was a really challenging task. Making my drawings move and characters I created walk and move about was not easy. I actually really enjoyed doing it and figuring out how to make it happen. I feel that I did manage to pull it off.

Some were just a few images that I could create into a GIF

This one is my favourite and it was actually quite easy to do. keep watching to the end and see the reaction on her face.

A few were a bit more complex

These are just a few of them I hope you enjoyed watching.

Have a really great Christmas.

Year 3 week 50

10th – 16th December 2018

I love Christmas but this time of year is always a difficult time especially for someone who wants to lose weight.

There are always so many parties, meals out and invitations round peoples houses. I love the socialising and spending time with people. I am definitely a people person.

The only thing with it is that very often socialising means food too and this time of year it’s worse. Food is still my downfall even though I have been on this journey for 3 years.

This time of year all the food comes out that I really shouldn’t be eating. Things like Yule log, Christmas cake, chocolates, sweets and my favourite – mince pies.

I am really struggling to resist it all at the minute – especially the mince pies.

All I can see is that this Christmas is definitely not going to be good for my diet at all. At least the parties are coming to an end and January is not far off when the New Years Resolutions come into play. Well at least I know I’m good at sticking to them!

Year 3 week 49

3rd – 9th December 2018

I have always loved Christmas. It doesn’t take much for me to get excited. I love how everywhere you look is lit up with lights and decoration. Everyone is happy – especially the kids.

I love the parties, the food, the preparation, the carol services, the family all meeting together in one place to celebrate. I even love all those cheesy Christmas movies. It doesn’t take much to get me into the Christmas spirit.

Last week as you know I had a particularly bad week. This week has only been marginally better. With all the things I have been through over the past few weeks I feel that the Christmas spirit has been really sucked out of me and I have been trying to get it back.

I feel like I have turned into Scrooge and saying ‘bah humbug’ to anything Christmas related.

The thing about Scrooge is he did get his Christmas spirit in the end.

For me, as the week progressed, things really did start to improve. What probably helped was my sons playing Christmas music all over the house.

I’m happy to say that the slump I have been in seems to have now gone and I am now getting excited for Christmas again. It’s funny how you can change your thinking in one week.

Year 3 week 48

26th November- 2nd December 2018

This week has been a particularly hard week for me with many ups and downs. We have had some really really good times mixed with some really really bad times.

In one week, I have been to 3 funerals and had a few personal issues I have had to deal with. I have been so up and down with emotions; one minute laughing, the next minute crying. The laughter was usually due to my Alice Cooper face I was left with after the crying.

One thing I have learned in life is that there are many battles. I am sure you can relate to this. But alongside those battles, there are many blessings. 

Even though these funerals were very sad and the loss of loved ones is so hard, yet the tribute and celebration of the life of the person they have lost, shows what a blessing they were to everyone. 

Sometimes we wonder why we have so many battles in our lives, so many things we have to fight for, so many things we have to overcome. Yet we forget a lot about the blessing that comes with it, during and after battles. It could be the kind, supportive words of a friend, a hug, the sun shine after a storm…it’s somehow holding those battles and blessings together and learning and benefitting from them both. 

I have also had my second cataract operation which, of course, the result is a huge blessing!

Battles and blessings together help me ‘see’. Through the battles I know I grow and God shows me things I couldn’t know if I wasn’t battling. And the blessings are pockets of goodness that keep me going.

So I just need to remember to carry on through the battle because the blessing isn’t far behind.